Friday 3 June 2011

OCD: "Thought Records"

In my first counseling session, I was just told to try to relax and take some of the pressure off. I needed to sleep better, and avoid tiring and stressing myself out. So after telling me that it was okay to feel the way I was feeling and do the things I was doing, I was told that I needed to take some steps to get better. I needed to realize that I ought to stop, but not suddenly as that would put too much pressure on me, which is what I had been doing by trying to force myself to stop. That's why the counselor kept insisting that it was all okay for me to be like this. I needed to take small steps. Baby steps. Itsy bitsy baby steps. If I tried to run when I couldn't even walk, I'd be flat on the ground.

In the next session, I was given these sheets to fill out, called "Thought Records." It contained the following 4 questions:

  • Where were you when the obsession began? How were you feeling? What were you doing at the time?

  • What intrusive thoughts/images/ideas did you have?

  • What meaning did you apply to the intrusive thoughts?

  • What did you do?

Here's an example:

  • I was in the washroom, washing my hands, concentrating hard on doing it right

  • Then I started to wonder what if some water splashed up onto my hands from the sink, what if I touched the sink by accident, what if I touched the faucet by mistake...

  • It meant that my hands were now dirty again. Anything I touched thereafter would also be dirty, like the doorknob of the bathroom

  • I washed my hands again

I had to fill these out every now and then when something would happen to trigger my obsessive thoughts. I didn't really see the point of this at first but when I showed it to my counselor, she simply read through all of them and looked out for common factors. We discovered that all my thought records were related to the washroom, so it was plain enough that my fears are mostly bathroom-centered. This was a pretty useful way of finding out what my triggers were and the things that were in common in all my "episodes". She was also able to see how I had progressed (or digressed) week after week, to show whether I have been improving or not.

You could give this a try and see if maybe you are able to find a pattern or a link in your triggers and the things you do afterwards to deal with the anxiety. It forms a good basis to know what needs to be worked on. This is basically having a look at the way you react to certain situations, and realizing that there are other ways to react. Like for instance, the counselor noticed that in my earlier thought records, my reactions were pretty much the same: panic, crying, beating myself up. In the later ones, we saw that I wasn't crying or beating myself up anymore. The stress and doubt was there, yes, but I saw that I was dealing with it in a much better way now. The counselor told me that the next step would be coming up with evidence to fight off the irrational meanings and conclusions the mind jumps to, in order to rewire the way the brain thinks.

The meaning I usually give to certain things that happen is: It's dirty. It will contaminate other things. Everything will become dirty.

The counselor asked me what evidence I had to show that it really was dirty? For instance, let's use the same example I presented earlier about hand-washing. Say some water splashed up on me from the sink. Is that really as dirty as I think it is? What proof do I have that it is not dirty?

  • The water that flows out of the faucet is clean. I cannot see dirt in the water that flows from the faucet and into the sink.

  • I have already washed my hands once and soap washes away germs. Anti-bacterial soap kills germs. So anything that falls into the sink thereafter will be cleaned by the soap. So technically, the sink is also clean because the soap has fallen into the sink and then washed away with the water.

  • The sink isn't dirty to begin with. It's cleaned out everyday.

  • Washing my hands once is enough. The number of germs on my hands is way lesser than the number there was before I washed my hands. So the germs have reduced and washing my hands again and again will not make me 100% germ-free as that is impossible!

  • Even if dirty water was in the sink, the clean water that flows out of the faucet will have washed away the dirty water by the time I had finished soaping up.

  • Water will splash if there is an obstruction in the way, in general cases. So any water that may splash may have hit my own freshly-washed hands andthen bounced off and hit my arms or hands, etc. So if I believe my hands are clean, the water than hits my hand and then splashes will also be clean.

Then I had to ask myself what proof I had that it is dirty:

  • Well, I rinsed my hands first and my hands were dirty, so the water from the first rinse became dirty and flowed into the sink. Therefore the sink is dirty. Thus anything that splashes up on me from the sink will also be dirty.

Wow, that sounds silly! Does anyone even think of these things? I know I never used to. I never cared about such stuff! Anyway, the counselor then evaluated these proofs against each other and she said that the first set of evidence that shows it is not dirty trumps over the other set of evidence. There's a lot more evidence, and needless to say, they make a lot more sense than the other set.

Try it out. Try filling about 5-6 of these forms at first and see how it goes. It really helps to write down how you think and feel. It's kind of like journalling which is also very useful. It will help you understand your thought processes better and see how your reactions could be changed. I think that in the frame of mind we tend to shift into when we're faced with obsessive, intrusive thoughts really really clouds our sense of judgment. Filling out these thought records and reading them at a later time when we are in a stabler state of mind sort of compels us to look at ourselves from the eyes of an outsider. That can be truly beneficial as we start to realize how we tend to become when we're being obsessive, and how we really ought to be. It really encourages you to realize that you need to take some corrective measures and change things. Writing really helps put things into perspective and makes things more tangible. Journalling will compel us to note down our fears, successes and failures, and we can see how far along we've come, somewhere a little further in time. Of course, we ought to focus more on the successes than failures, but then again, we're human and moreover, OCD makes you dwell on things and makes you keep thinking about it, trying to rationalize, justify and reason again and again all in vain because thinking about it makes me obsess over it even more. For some strange reason, the doubts give way to anger and guilt. Writing helps vent and get it all of your chest to lessen the stress somehow. Writing is a way of letting it all out, so that it doesn't have to stay in. Journalling does that, and these "Thought Records" are a structured form of doing it.  and anxiety. One neat idea is to write down how you're feeling and then try to look at things from an outsider's perspective and tell yourself what a normal, non-OCD person would do, how they would behave, react, etc. This doesn't work for me all the time because ever since OCD, my sense of logic has gone all fuzzy (not that I had much sense to begin with - always been poor with logic and reasoning!) I've just forgotten what it's like to be "normal" and how normal people go about doing things. If it's hard to realize these normal behaviors on your own (like it is for me), observation really really helps. Observing the way people behave and how they react to things is really useful. If it makes you feel like a stalker, then don't worry - just use the internet. I watch videos of people washing their hands on YouTube to relearn how to do it. Sounds stupid but it sure helps!

So anyway, back to the "Thought Records." I had to keep reminding myself of this new set of evidence to prove to myself that it wasn't dirty and I didn't need to wash my hands again and again. Some days it worked, some days it didn't. But I'm not complaining. Earlier, I never even thought there would be a day when I would feel peaceful again, when my hands wouldn't feel raw and chapped... I thought that every single day I would wake up and it would start all over again. But now I know that there will be some days when it will not be like that. I know that slowly, the number of these days will increase and slowly, things will go back to normal. We just have to keep fighting, don't we? OCD behaviors are just habits. I reckon we'd have to treat it like any other habit we may be trying to kick, like smoking. Phasing it out is the key, I believe. Stopping suddenly will only result in relapses. I phased out plenty of OCD habits, but sadly, other new habits crept up on me. That is why I say we need to keep fighting. Surely one day, the war will be won.

Here is a good link for more information on "Thought Records." There's also a lot of other great stuff:

Until next time!


  1. Dear DP: It is gr8 u thought about posting first of all...i guess it kinda helps you frame your thoughts when you blog...regarding your problem, i hope Krishna blesses you with the strength to overcome it. i really dunno what else to say, i dont know much abt OCD. But, when we are surrendered unto Him, He will guide us on the right path, definitely. Maybe you can make a prayer, a promise...i did this when i had a health problem myself...i promised to say a particular chant daily...maybe you could do something like a fast or perhaps assign a bhajan to sing everyday asking for His will have focussing problems with chanting, not bhajans...try something of that sort

  2. Hi ILWK! Good to hear from you! Thanks for your concern and suggestions - really appreciate it!
    I should try out what you said. As a matter of fact, I did try reciting the Sahasranama. I wasn't able to keep up with it, but I really enjoyed it! It was a pleasure to read! I should try out your suggestion! The thing is, for some reason, I somehow try not to ask Krishna for something in return for something I do. I feel like I am trying to bribe Him! It's silly yeah, but I feel like I am trying to buy my way out. I know I don't mean it like that, but the thought comes into my head and I don't like the feeling. So I usually wait until it comes from the heart. Meanwhile, I keep praying. It is all His desire. It is through His grace alone that I have improved so much. Improved in ways I couldn't have even dreamed! I really miss that little blue boy sometimes. This separation is too painful!

  3. Slow and steady..we don't want to make changes that are too drastic and then go back to the old ways. It's much better to make small (yet meaningful) changes that are permanent. No need to stress, no worries, we got our Lord and Saviour!

    I spent the weekend in my Lord's city and it took my breath away. I feel refreshed and have a heart full of love for Him. I know how you feel about the separation-oh, love hurts!

    Have a blessed week....

  4. Dear DP: Yes, i know what you mean DP when you say it's like buying ur way out...i always feel like i am bribing Him....but it was later i realized that it was not "Krishna's favour in return" i cherished....He always blesses us if we just call out to Him once...the year before last, i took a resolve to stop that habit (ever since i was a kid, i would involve Him in every single unimportant crisis of my life by making some promise or other) for the same reason...but last month, my mom prayed that i would keep pradarshans for a cause...that time,i started doing anyway saying i was sorry my mom didnt know about my resolve...i said i would make the pradarshans, but not for any cause other than to please Him...but when i was making those pradarshans, my mind cleared up a lot...i was thinking of Him and talking to Him throughout those many pradarshans, and He helped me...the same thing happens when we say a bhajan or a sloka...we focus our minds on Him, and our problems will just dissolve's more the time we spend with Him than asking for a favour/bribing Him...but committing a time frame to Him makes us focussed to spend that time of the day with Him....all the best sure He will take care of u "like a grain of sand in His palms" :)

  5. Right you are! Slow and steady wins the race. Baby steps!

    I'm glad to hear you were able to visit a holy place. How blessed you are :) Surely it is the Lord's mercy! I am glad you enjoyed yourself! :)

  6. Oh, what sweet words! Especially loved the bit at the end. Gave me shivers! Again and again, you never fail to show me the little ways in which Krishna works! You've given me a new angle to look at this from though. So I should try that out - seeing this as yet another excuse to spend more time with Him! Like Queen Kunti, who wishes for calamities to befall her again and again for that would mean keeping the Lord close, and thus, not seeing birth and death again. Brilliant!

  7. Dear DP: Your suffering pains Him more than it can pain is not like Him to watch His devotees know, in temples, they put a screen when the Lord accepts prasadam....the reason they do this is that if He saw His devotees standing eagerly for Him, He would not eat Himself and be eager to feed His people...that's y that screen is a way of convincing Him that if He will be kind enough to taste the delicacies, His devotees will partake it with happiness....the same way, you are His child...He cannot bear to see u suffer....the next time u are obsessed with cleanliness, think like this: Throughout the world, there are so many utsavs for our dear Lord...but even as every other aspect is beautifully done, the roads on which the Lord travels are not the cleanest...atleast not in India...the next time, u feel obsessively compulsive about ur cleanliness, think just one thng: how we can improve the situation for our dear Lord...maybe we CAN do something...if young devotees can do a scouts' thing or will meet your demands of thinking about cleanliness...and also, it will solve the purpose of thinking about Him....and there's no one better than someone with cleanliness OCD to come up with a solution for our the same time, thinking about Him will eventually definitely clear your problem....and also...remember one thing DP: However unclean u think u are, i know that u r as pure as the flowers that have touched His handsome body...stop fretting...He will take care of u....

  8. Or, maybe u can organize your devotee frndz to come together and do a cleaning spree in the nearby temple...u told me about the Sinaji temple...or anyother place it if possible on a Friday or Saturday...even if not cleaning exactly, then maybe decorating with rangolis and will help u feel happy as u are meeting the requirements of ur thoughts on the same time, associating with our dear Krishna will get rid of all the desperation that u feel...if even that is not possible, then go take care of your home altar whenever u feel in grip of unwanted tensions due to cleanliness...if evasion of thoughts does not help, if even converting your thoughts to something else does not help, then try diverting ur thoughts to Krishna...i am not saying "stop the flow of thoughts by chanting" or something like that coz even i have experienced how frustrating it is for us normal people...but i am saying there can be no extent to thinking about cleanliness if u will think of it for Krishna's sake...if u think of ways to serve Him, it can stretch to is only our thoughts that make us...even evil demons obtained the shelter of His feet by thinking of Him, albeit in a revengeful manner....turn your thoughts, however they are, in whatever form they are, to serve His cause...its something i tried and it worked when nothing else did...even your therapist does not know that the entire strength and power of the Universe is housed firmly in your heart just as He was bound by Yashodha's ropes of love to the mortar...and He will defnitely dispel all ur problems the way He felled the two giant Asoka trees...i just came back from seeing Narasimha's Brahmmotsav and i was pushed to write is definitely Thelliya Singa Perumal (The Beautiful Lion-Faced Lord) of Triplicane, Chennai who has smiled upon u...He is said to cure diseases...He will definitely cure us and take care of us...

  9. Omg, I cannot believe you mentioned Nrshinga Deva!!!!! Omg, ILWK, I cannot believe it! Remember you were telling me to make a plan to do some extra devotional service, so it will help me become better? Well, yesterday, I was praying and I decided to use this as an excuse to pray more and surrender more to Krishna; whether He wants to heal me or not, that is His desire, but I am going to use this as another reason to pray more. So I decided to say the Nrshinga Pranam prayers for a week, starting from yesterday! Man, I'm just amazed that Lord Narasimha inspired you to write this! Thank you so much for this. It was really such a pleasant surprise!

    And thank you for your suggestions as well. Cleaning actually makes the anxiety worse, because I don't particularly enjoy cleaning. It's just something I feel compelled to do. But the main thing you said about doing it in Krishna's service is something I have been trying to do. In fact, just today, I was trying to distract myself from some obsessive thoughts by thinking of Krishna. First I thought it wouldn't help. And then as soon as I envisioned Krishna in my mind, I realized how wrong I was! Then I tried to think of Krishna and I tried to imagine myself preaching to someone about Krishna (that usually always demands my full attention). Now since you have given me this unfailing advice to divert my thoughts to Krishna and try to use cleaning in His service if I ever need to, and especially since Lord Nrishinga has inspired you to thus advise me, I hope I will be able to try even harder to do this!

  10. That was really sweet and encouraging. Thanks a lot for your kind words :) I didn't know that was why they drape curtains in front of Krishna when the food is offered! Yet again, Krishna never fails to show us just how much He loves us! I really wish I could spend more time focusing on Krishna and His leelas rather than worrying about how clean everything is. But oh well, He's taken good care of me till now, and He always will so I'm not too worried. It's just a matter of time, and some faith in Him!

  11. In Love With Krishna12 June 2011 at 06:25

    Ah, the way the Lord plays with us! Narasimmha and His wonderful ways....He always has big ears...really big ears....always available for His devotees...i cant believe it myself...there is a brahmmotsav going on here...Lord Narasimmha was dressed as Krishna with the flute yesterday...we offered prayers outside our house where He came for the procession ( i almost forgot, we moved to the new house i told u about..just four blocks from the temple) and when i came inside, i started thinking of u...

  12. blessed you are to receive such timely and meaningful messages :)
    You seem to be using your problems as catalysts to get closer to God....

    You know what saddens me? When OCD seems to get in the way of having darshan. Let me explain my sad story. I also have issues with germs, dirt and what not. I have these wonderful opportunities that come up often to visit holy places where the Lord himself once walked and talked. OMG right? Sometimes I am so worried about dirt/germs in those cities that I choose not to go. I get very nervous when I have to use bathrooms I am not familiar and comfortable with. I do brace these fears and just travel anyway (I did so last weekend and it was wonderful!) but I feel like a lousy devotee when I miss golden opportunities all because of these OCD issues. I feel totally undeserving. Oh well...I don't deserve Him but I need, need, need Him terribly so everyday I strive to be purer...

  13. This is just incredible! I still feel so surprised! All glories to Nrishinga Deva, glories to Krishna!

    And yes, it is great news to hear that you got to live so close to the temple, just as your heart desired! He really does have big big ears! :)

  14. I'm so sorry you feel that way. Rest assured, you are not alone. My parents have been telling me to go to India to visit holy places, but I feel so hesitant about it, worrying about the hygiene in the washrooms there, and how clean/unclean the overall environment will be. I tend to go late for my Gita classes and other religious classes because of OCD, and sometimes I miss these classes and events because the timings may not allow me to follow my showering schedule. It's really hard, isn't it? Like it's as though my whole life revolves around access to a clean washroom, and being able to shower when I need to. And not to mention, the showers are insanely long. I feel so tired and worn out everyday after my shower. Anyway, it will take some time, hard work, determination and Krishna's mercy to get through this. You're so right when you say we don't deserve Him but He is simply all we need. His mercy is enough for us. We just need to trust Him. As for myself, I know I ought to trust Him a lot more than I do right now. He has proven time and time again that He is there for me and He will look after me, yet in trying times, I tend to forget this. May the Lord let His mercy rain down on us.

  15. I hear you about the showers! I feel like I need to be especially clean in the holy places, visiting temples and all that. For about a year or ago I used to take a few showers every single day to the point where my skin got very dry (it's normally not dry)

    It's full moon tonight, there is a lovely breeze and magic is in the air. How wonderful that God has taken the trouble to create such beauty around us (free and accessible for all, may I add!) I just want to take a hot oil bath, chant His Name, listen to some music that glorifies Him and eat Prasadam. Fun! :)

  16. Oh, dry skin! My skin has been peeling off, and my hands are wrinkled and chapped because of the compulsive hand-washing! It's just awful.

    I do hope you got to take an oil bath and chant and eat prasadam! Sounds like such a perfect evening! :)

    Ah yes I did want to ask you - have you gotten over some of your obsessions/compulsions? Would you happen to have any advice or tips and tricks for me? If you'd rather, we can correspond via email ( because I understand, these things can be quite discomforting to talk about. The thing is, I want to know how other people who have these same fears deal with it. Especially related to the washroom, since I have realized that I am irrationally afraid of the washroom! That's so silly, but I'm sure you know what it feels like. It's really illogical isn't it? But I'm deathly afraid of the washroom! Have you been able to get over many of your fears? Of course, sharing this with me is entirely your decision - If you'd rather not discuss it, then that's fine too :)

  17. problem. I'm in the middle of something right now but I'll mail you regarding my experiences later.

  18. Sure thing! Take your time! :)


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