Saturday 21 May 2011

OCD: Lesson #1 - Take The Pressure Off

When I first met my counselor, I was under tremendous stress. The fact that things got so unbearable was what pushed me to set an appointment with the counselor. I was crying after showers, after using the washroom, if my towel fell on the floor... My life had just stopped. I just felt like everything was dirty all the time. I felt like everything had been put on hold. And the 2 simple words the counselor told me just took the stress off.

"It's okay."

It's okay. IT'S OKAY. Damn right, it's okay! Why shouldn't it be okay? After days and weeks and months of struggling with trying to be superclean, and telling myself to just stop washing my hands so much, stop trying to clean so much, to just be normal... just hearing that it was okay to be the way I was being made me feel so much better.

The counselor, let's call her Jane, told me that I should stop telling myself to just stop. I had only realized at that time that my compulsions were much much worse when I was stressed out and tired, and if I hadn't slept much the previous night. This was practically the case everyday around then. Jane told me that I needed to stop putting so much pressure on myself. I needed to take it easy because it was understood that stress was making it worse. By telling myself that I needed to "stop right now" I was actually putting more pressure on myself. She said, "Wash your hands. If you feel like they're still dirty, wash them again. That's okay. No problem at all."

Jane told me that it's all pretty much stress-related. Stress generally makes the OCD worse. When I'm under pressure, instead of washing just 3 times for example, I will end up washing about 9 times. So the first thing I needed to know was that it's okay. Jane told me that I should just try to relax, and take it easy for now. I didn't have to change in a day. I wouldn't be able to do that even if I tried. This is a gradual process. Battling OCD is a long, slow war so getting over it in a day is not going to happen even in my wildest dreams. So for now, the important thing is to relax and to get rid of whatever is stressing me out.

After I got my stress levels down, things got a little easier. When I told Jane about how I kept feeling water splashing on me from the sink while I washed my hands which would make me wash them again and again, she asked me, "Is it really so bad if water splashes on you? Is it really that bad?" I found that later that day, when I went to wash my hands, I found myself asking if it really was that bad. Was it really so bad that I had to start crying, go into a frenzy, and have a panic attack over it? No, it really wasn't that bad at all! So I washed my hands but I still felt dirty so I washed them again, telling myself that it was okay. Jane told me it was okay, so I could wash again. I then started to realize that I the stress was getting lesser and lesser and even if I got dirty or messy by accident, it didn't seem so bad. The point was to get my stress levels down because at the time, the pressure was really getting to me. I wanted to stop but I just couldn't and Jane wanted me to relax a little. I hadn't been sleeping well either, which may have been related to the stress and anxiety. The lack of sleep in turn led to more stress and anxiety, sucking me into a vicious circle.

Jane called me for meditation workshops in order to help me sleep better. She told me to do some deep breathing (breathe in deeply through your stomach. Your stomach should move outward as you inhale and inward as you exhale. They should be long, deep breaths held for a few seconds as you inhale, hold, and then exhale). The workshop I went for was about Mindfulness Meditation. In brief, it's about concentrating on each of your body parts and trying to see what that part is feeling, the sensations in it, around it, etc. I also tried this method called, 'The Art of Gratitude'. Basically, whenever you find yourself feeling anxious, you stop what you're doing and you think about all the things you're grateful for. So all of these really helped me relax and sleep better, as well as cope with some anxiety. Within a short while of practicing all of this, my stress had considerably reduced and I was having panic/anxiety attacks less often, and crying a lot lesser. Being relaxed meant that I was able to fight off the OCD thoughts in a much better way and I was better able to resist compulsions.

To summarize, the first important lesson I learned was to get rid of the stress. You could try to observe your activities, behaviors and moods and see if stress is a trigger for you, and what is causing that stress. Once I reduced the stress, I was be able to think clearer, and that made it easier to fight off OCD thoughts. Obviously, it's not advisable for anyone to keep saying, "It's okay," and keep engaging in compulsive behavior. But I think it's important to know that in the beginning. Like I said, the important thing is to get the stress down and telling yourself that it's okay can help bring it down and keep you calm when you face something that triggers your anxiety. The plan was to first learn how to cope with the initial stress, and then realize that I needed to get a hold on things.


  1. You have some great suggestions. I'll try them out. Take care.. :)

  2. hare Krishna !!!

    dear you just need meditation please please join meditation will definitely help to get rid of stress and help in healing OCD...join as soon as possible. if you chant, chant in mind rather than from will clam down your thoughts ..and most important pray to Krishna

    hare Krishna

  3. Hare Krishna! I like what you said about chanting with focus on my thoughts! Normally I chant just for the sake of chanting and my mind goes here and there. So thanks for that reminder!
    I will try some meditation soon. I have been doing deep-breathing techniques every now and then and I do "Mindfulness Meditation". I should do it more often! It has already proven to be a great way to help me relax!

  4. Hare Krishna !!! great do it regularly it will help you. dear i know , i am sorry to say this that i meet many people in iskon or other places who chant regularly around 20 to 60 rounds daily !!! but what is use of chant is you cant connect to god..its just like pretending in front of god..god know every byte of our heart. i do 1to 3 rounds daily in mind ,depends how much i can connect to god. i know shrila prabupad ji told to their devotees to chant atleast 16 rounds daily for beginners..but what we are doing just chanting on mouth but there mind is some where else. chant is to make us connect with god..i also used to do chanting on mouth but my bro told me, to chant with mind it will connect you with you cant with mind the biggest difference you feel is your heart become pure, soft and can also examine the person who chant even 60 rounds a day , his/her heart is not soft , pure , rather than who chant even one round..god does not want the number of rounds you take name but what kind of bhaav is coming in your heart while you take name of god. when your heart is connect to god while chanting, then your mind is not needed, but we have to start with mind to clam down thought, then automatically mind disappears only heart remain..and you feel coolness in your heart when you chant even half round..devotion is just pure love nothing else

    i am sorry if i hurt your feelings ..i dont know whether i have authority to say you this or not. but as a friend or sister, i am saying this
    Hare Krishna !!

  5. Don't worry, you have not hurt me in any way at all. I completely agree with what you have said. Krishna looks for the love and devotion when we call out His name. That's all that He wants. Chanting is there to purify us. The thing about chanting is that the way to improve the quality of bad chanting... is with MORE chanting! See, Krishna and His Holy Names are so merciful! Even though we chant in an absent-minded manner, without paying full attention, the way to improve is by chanting and praying more and more! So you're right when you say that it is a process - eventually it moves on to the heart as the chanting starts to clean up all the messes we have made. That's when we fall in love with Krishna and we know NOTHING except for His Beautiful Holy Name who is our shelter and can provide us with everything that we need! :)

  6. Hare Krishna !!!

    yeah you are rite :-)

  7. You know, it's amazing how little God asks of us. He asks that we have faith and implores us to give Him all our problems. See the difference between the world and God? The world requires us to do everything and to work hard all for meaningless fleeting pleasures that leave us emptier after having experienced them. God, on the other hand just wants our faith and wants to do everything for us. How wonderful is our God that the mere chanting of His Holy Name destroys all sins, all problems and leads to Bliss. We don't need to perform austerities or anything. I just love planning out special days to have glorious hours of chanting, music and eating Prasadam! How great is our God!

  8. Other techniques that I have learnt over the years, in addition to Mindfulness, Meditation, Deep Breathing and Releasing my Stress levels are:

    - Exposure therapy (be exposed in small bite sizes of the contamination)
    - Change the way we think about things (CBT - Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)
    - Exercise (to raise our serotonin levels, which will make us less stressed)
    - Imagining the OCD thoughts as speech bubbles, and throwing them away

  9. He is incredibly awesome! His love is just endless, and He's always there for us, despite how much we may have neglected Him and taken Him for granted! His mercy and grace is just unlimited, and free for everyone. Truly, He is the only one we can count on.

  10. Yup, I've only just started some exposure therapy. Been doing CBT with my therapist for a while now.
    Great idea about the speech bubbles! I never heard of that before. Surely going to give it a try! Thanks a lot for sharing :)

  11. Hope your therapy is going well. My OCD stuff comes and goes and what I notice is that on the days that I'm too busy loving God to be distracted by anything else, my OCD thoughts are minimal. Even on the days that I do have OCD issues I find that running to God (rather than be distracted by food, tv, wordly drama etc) and telling him my problems helps SO much. He is our best friend and Savior so it feels so wonderful to share everything with him. I sometimes just turn the lights off, light a candle, turn on some divine music and just let myself be showered with God's presence. I love listening to "love songs" but I always dedicate them to God. Silly I know but my heart overflows with love for the Supreme One when I listen to beautiful music.

    Another thing that helps me is realizing that life is so short. Everyday that we have life and breath is a day to love and adore God. It's such a gift. It's like we have an exam but the teacher keeps giving us yet another day to prepare. Generous ;) Anyway I'm rambling now.

    I've been reading your posts from the beginning. You really are wise beyond your years. I'm in my late 20's and I'm amazed when people my age or even younger are so spiritual. Wonderful! Hope you don't feel like I'm intruding too much as I've been posting quite a bit. Let me know if it bothers you :)

  12. Right you are! I mentioned that to my therapist a while ago - on one particular day, I was in a joyous prayerful mood and I found that my OCD thoughts were so much easier to control! Well, anything is easy to control when it's actually God doing the controlling rather than us, isn't it? :)

    Thanks for your encouragement and advice! And please please don't think I am bothered by your comments! I look forward to reading them - they're an absolute delight :)
    You really are much too kind. I'm still a child, growing under the guidance of those, like yourself, who are wise and love God with all their heart :)

  13. Thanks! My OCD issues are at bay for now. I've just given up eating eggs this week (only ate them in dessert form) I've been a vegetarian all my life and was vegan for a few years when I lived in the West (huge waste, listening to "health foodies" rather than follow the suggestions given to us in the Bhagavad Gita!) Anyway I started eating dairy again but also included egg-based desserts. It's so much easier being able to eat egg-based desserts as they are widely available.

    I've had a few revelations in the past few months and I've finally taken the plunge this week. It's quite difficult because now I have to look out for eggless cakes but there is no place better than India to find them! I think what pushed me to give up eggs is that Sanctified food ( Prasada) is so sacred, so powerful and so purifying and makes eating a joy. I feel sort of guilty eating foods that cannot be offered to God, eating only for my own selfish pleasures. For this reason I'm glad I've given eggs up. I've always disliked the smell and thinking about what they actually are makes me feel icky.
    I'm definately not going to get militant about food as that's another way for my OCD to sneak its way in. But I came across some advice recently that makes sense to me. If something feels restrictive then you’re going against the flow of God’s love. If it feels loving, free and joyous then one is in the flow. This makes sense to me because I remember the many times I’ve craved egg-based cakes, God would provide them for me and I would relish it. Now I don’t want to eat them anymore. I’ve given eggs up and this choice does feel free and joyous. It makes me very happy to eat foods that I can actually share with God. So anyway I always have to be careful when giving up things because of my perfectionist tendencies but this feels so right. YAY for Prasada!

  14. Oh, congratulations! I understand what you mean about eggless cakes. I love cake and I'm always dying to have some! Luckily, there are some places here that make eggless cakes if requested, and there is this other joint that offers eggless cakes. Thank God for that! But hey, you could bake your own eggless cakes! I don't think it's true what people say about eggless cakes tasting bad. They taste absolutely delicious!

    Regarding what you said about going against the flow of God's love. It makes sense to say that doing something that is in tune with God's desires will bring peace and happiness. We would feel it within, because the Lord is within our hearts, always guiding us, like He promises in the Bhagavad Gita. He is always with us. And like He also says in the Bhagavad Gita, surrender to Him, or in other words, following His instructions, will only bring us bliss!

    Senior devotees often tell me that the tongue is the hardest thing to control and the way to control is it by chanting and by eating prasada. I am thoroughly convinced that prasada has healing powers! A devotee with diabetes found that the sugar level in his blood reduced after eating prasada, another was warned against eating yoghurt by ayurvedic doctors but he never refuses to eat it when it is served as prasada... it just reminds me of Dhruva Maharaja who even drank poison considering it to be the Lord's prasada and never had any harm come to him! Just like Krishna, His prasada is absolute and is non-different from Him. So, to quote you, "Yay for prasada!" :D


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