Wednesday 31 October 2012

A Loving Reminder

Even if you forget Krishna, He doesn't forget you.

A few days ago, I was walking home when suddenly the words to Damodarastakam found its way to my lips. I began singing to myself and realized it had been very long since I last heard/sang the Damodarastakam. It felt wonderful to sing it again!

Something stirred in my heart. Krishna was informing me that Kartik Maas was soon beginning - I was sure of it! Surely enough, I went home and checked the dates only to find out Kartik Maas was just a few days away.

I haven't had time to look at a Vaishnava calendar, I haven't been following festival dates, I haven't been giving enough time to Krishna... But he knows how much I love the Holy Month of Kartik. And like a little child who reminds everyone about the important days in their lives, Krishna reminded me of his special days.

Have a blessed month!


  1. Hey:) I'm from South Africa and studying a degree I have no interest in. It's got to do with finance. Now and then I feel quite miserable about it but your blogs brighten up things. Out of all the emails I receive I look forward to yours. I apprectiate the fact that you're someone facing issues too and that you love Lord Krishna. I can identify with most of what you blog about.
    May Krishna guide you in all your endeavours.

  2. Hi! Thanks for the comment! I understand how you feel - I am currently working a job that I have absolutely no interest in. It is meaningless to me and not promising at all. I'm just trying to figure things out and make the most of it all!

    It was nice to hear from you! See you around :)

  3. Hi drainpiper,
    I came to know about the month of Kartik from your old post in the group blog. Thanks a ton :) Ever since then , i'd been looking forward to it.But now that it's here i can't do half the things i had been planning for Krishna. Krishna blessed me with a job a month back. and with my hectic schedule, i too hardly get time for him . I adore the damodarashtakam , though i hardly know the words..And i don't have a clue on how to go about making a tulsi garland for him. So much for my fantasies of pleasing Damodara on his most favorite month!
    I love to hear and talk (or write) about Krishna , but you cant do that without people giving you strange looks, if you know what i mean. So, i haunt these blogs on him :) Even Krishna thinks that's pathetic, lol.

  4. Lol, I know what you mean. I'm often looking for people to talk to about Krishna but don't get the chance! I'm quite the same as you. Work leaves me feeling drained at the end of the day and I don't get much time to spend with Krishna :(


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