Friday 20 May 2011

OCD: The Beginning

I have 'Contamination OCD' and so, I am deathly afraid of germs and getting dirty. I am not afraid of getting ill or getting a disease. I just simply don't like the "ick" factor. I don't like the feeling of being 'dirty'. I am very concerned about cross-contamination as well, so basically, if A is dirty and it comes into contact with B, and then B comes into contact with C, then C is also dirty.

I find washrooms, bins, floors, shoes, and washing machines repulsive.

When I feel dirty, I start to feel very anxious and I have to clean as soon as possible, or else I won't be able to think about or do anything else until I have cleaned. I panic and stress out a lot when I feel dirty, which results in me crying, feeling upset, and sometimes, hitting something (usually myself). I wash my hands repeatedly and shower for a very long time. I use tons of cleaning/sanitizing products and I cannot imagine doing without them anymore.

All of this began some months ago, sometime in November-December 2010. Somehow, I kept feeling drops of water splashing on me (when there was water running and even when there wasn't). It would make me feel dirty and I would end up washing my hands and arms again and again. Going near running water would terrify me. I used to wash my hands about 7-8 times on average, non-stop. I don't really go every now and then to wash my hands. It's more of a consecutive thing that happens when I start to wash my hands. On bad days, I would wash my hands 15-20 times, one after the other. Showering began to take about 2-3 hours. I would also clean the washroom every single day before my shower, which is just completely unnecessary, but still something that I had to do. I also often repeat movements and actions to see if I touched something that was dirty while doing something. Like for example if I walk past a table that I believe is dirty, I will walk past it again and again trying to duplicate my initial movements to see if I touched the table or not. I also avoid doing a lot of things. I avoid going to the washroom, I stand a mile away from dustbins, I also throw things into dustbins from a mile away, I avoid shaking hands with people, and I don't like coming in contact with someone whose clothes are touching the floor. I also feel very hesitant to go close to people who wear shorts and skirts that expose their thighs. That might sound a bit weird but it just irks me to think that they made a trip to the washroom and their skin came into contact with the toilet seat and is now exposed. Irrational? Yes, I know. But sadly, this is not really completely in my control. I know it might come of as really offensive, but what can I do, these things just scare me! I used to be able to leave my house without having taken a shower if I had to. But lately, this just seems preposterous! If I need to go out, I must absolutely shower first. This means I need to start getting ready about 3-4 hours before I need to go out, since showering takes quite a while now.

I realized later that I had always had OCD in some form or the other. When I was younger, I had to things until they felt 'just right' but that wasn't too serious. At another point, I began to check things repeatedly, sometimes even leaving my house only to come back in to make sure my bedroom cupboard was locked. Afterwards, my mind began to race with terrifying thoughts about others dying, getting cancer, etc. And these weren't just thoughts that would pop in once in a while. I would have them ALL the time and it was so distressing. Somehow I thought that I was cursing others and that it was really going to happen simply because I thought it. I even had rituals to deal with this, which I did secretly and repeatedly. Over time, I fought those thoughts with prayer. I prayed to God saying that I knew He knew what was in my heart and that I didn't really wish for those bad things to happen to people, and that He wasn't going to make someone suffer just because I had a thought about it. So that eased some of my distress over having such thoughts. Then I learned to turn those thoughts into negatory statements. So instead of saying, "He will get cancer," I would instead say, "He will not get cancer." With some practice, this started to happen naturally and even though the thoughts would come into my head, it was consoling that I was wishing the opposite. Now I barely get these thoughts, and even if I do get them, they're negatory statements and they don't cause even a little distress.

So that was a little bit about my OCD. I have always been very concerned about hygiene but lately, it's become debilitating. I used to go out a lot to hang out with my friends before. But in the last few months, I was almost always at home, canceling plans, and making rainchecks. This was also partly due to the fact that it was winter and it had gotten a bit too cold for my liking, but the real reason was my fear of needing to use the washroom and of getting dirty. In the last few months, I have started getting out of the house more often, and that has actually been way more helpful than damaging, contrary to what I believed. I'm afraid of getting a job because of the difficulty I might have in using a public washroom, and how insanely early I will need to wake in order to shower before leaving my house. I do not want to be like this for the rest of my life. I have been going for counseling which has really helped me a lot. I have overcome some fears and have had a few successes which I will outline in my next posts.


  1. Hi again...Thanks for sharing your experiences. I know you have this problem but I feel very hopeful and even certain that you will overcome this problem. You have the Supreme Being as your Lord, Savior, Protector and Friend so what could ever harm you? It may take time for you to slowly overcome this but overcome you will.

    I know from personal experience what it feels like to constantly have these OCD thoughts and feel like they are controlling your life. I would like to say that first of all doctors simply love to put labels on people. I've heard so many times about devotees who've had certain problems labelled as permanent only to overcome them by turning their lives completely over to God. I myself have been labelled as having had an eating disorder and people say that it's a lifelong problem that can be partially cured but will always lurk in the background. Well, guess what? God, in his great Mercy, has made me totally overcome this problem and I no longer have any issues in that regard. I still have some OCD but the eating disorder part is gone, a thing of the past. Only I know what a miracle that is considering I've had that since I was 10 and I'm now in my late 20's. I Praise God for his healing!

    I don't think God wants us to live in fear. In fact, as devotees we should be happy and peaceful and feel very very safe. I've realized lately that I take my devotion to God for granted. I simply assume that everyone feels that way. When I come across people who don't feel the need for God in their lives (how I wish that every being in the Universe can have this faith) I stop, think and then feel so incredibly blessed for this faith and devotion. Even if it's just a little faith it's actually a priceless blessing.

    So, fear not. Just the fact that you've acknowledged your problem is a huge step. You have this opportunity to run to Lord Krishna. He will deliver you from this problem for sure. Just focus on Him and all the blessings in your life and you will overcome! Take care....

  2. What you said about doctors is so true! The psychiatrist I visited recently told me my problem was very "severe" and I would have to deal with it for the rest of my life! Nonsense! My therapist herself told me that she didn't think my case is very severe. I personally don't think it's severe either. It's definitely manageable with Krishna's mercy.

    And I am so glad you were able to overcome the eating disorder! That's just brilliant! Praise God for this healing!

    Thank you so much for your encouragement and support. I honestly think I will be able to overcome this issue. So far, I have made tons of improvement. I have improved a lot over the past few months, by the Mercy of the Lord. And I'm sure there's more to come for us all! :)

  3. hare Krishna !!!

    first thanks for sharing ....this type of problem is with my sister...dont worry about any thing just do what you can do, we all are with you yeah Krishna also..nothing is impossible for Krishna...he also changed my life as you are reading in my dairy...still changing and healing my live by Krishna's will be also healed..just have patience dont fear for anything ...means anything ...dear pray for you..and with you

  4. I am glad that Krishna has brought healing into your life. I have no doubt that He will bring me out of this distress. I am seeking refuge in the Bhagavad Gita, and I am going to apply His instructions to fight this OCD. Surely, His divine instructions will help me come out of this :)

    I am sorry to hear that your sister is also going through this. It is very distressing and I wish your sister and your family all the very best. Is she getting treatment? I will be posting up a lot more about what my therapist says so if you find something useful, you can covey the message to your sister. Maybe it might help her. Every case is rather different but she can give my therapist's suggestions a try - maybe it will help.

  5. Dear DrainPiper,

    It was by accident that I came across your blog (I usually never ever read blogs), but I just had an episode of repetitive washing earlier after coming back from a bar, and I had to wash my hands... for half an hour. I then took a shower as well, and decided to google whether passing a toilet was dirty! Then I came to your blog!

    What I want to say is that you're not alone. Everything you say about OCD Contamination with Dirt is EXACTLY what I go through! Every little detail (except the "rain drops" bit and running water). For me, it has to do with smell (for example, rubbish bins, recycling trucks, someone's fart, faeces smell) and sight (the sight of faeces, newspapers, and anything 'dirty'). I then have to wash my eyes, nose and ears even! And of course my hands, arms and anything exposed (even my hair, head, legs). And I totally understand regarding the exposed thighs bit too! And the A->B->C!!!

    I've been having my OCD ever since I was a kid, but more so when I was in my early 20's. I recovered for 6 months when I was 22, then relapsed. I then went for further therapy and recovered for another 3 years before I relapsed again. I relapsed due to triggers. My advice to you is to be aware of the triggers, as you will return from square one... back to the beginning after all your hard work, hours spent with a therapist and money and time. It's painful. But you'll get there, as I know that I will too, one day.

    I am now 28. I hope to cure myself of this before I'm 30. We can never be 100% cured, but as long as it's a manageable stage (80-90%), then it's OK. But yes, like you, it's hard. I have since became quite recluse and anti-social --- which is weird as during my 3 years of recovery when I was 90% OK, I was very sociable and people expected a lot from me (i.e. to be the alpha male and a party person). But now, I rather stay at home or be with my partner. It's very very hard.

    I'm not sure if what I said above can help you, but have Faith. Faith is an important tool, but it takes time. I believe that God's plan is not our plan, and God's time is not our time. So be patient, and pray for his Grace to shower upon all of us. :)

  6. Thanks for your support, Sean. I'm sorry you've been struggling with this too. Honestly, I believe that OCD is not something we have to deal with for the rest of our lives. Eventually, we will be able to regain control of our behaviors. I realized that all of these are nothing but habits. I have kicked so many of my compulsions by treating them like I would treat a habit like smoking - by phasing it out. Needless to say, OCD is quite clever and came up with a whole new set of habits for me. So it's kind of like an on-going thing, where my focus should be managing things on a day-to-day basis. It's hard, yeah, but c'est la vie.

    And you're absolutely right. God's time is not our time. Things will get better, that's for sure. All in God's time :)


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