- "One day, while in college, I was bankrupt. I didn't have money for bus to go to college, though all I need was just 2 Rs. Surprisingly, that day, none of my friends came to my room. So, I prayed to Krishna that if you are truly there, please take me to the college. I'll not ask money from anyone...but Krishna pls somehow you should make me go to college. If you do so, I'll never ever again doubt your presence. Actually, that was the time, by the mercy of my Gurudeva, I began worshiping Krishna in His idol form. I waited in my room for a long while....nothing happened. So I started to do many compromises with Krishna(because if He is not there, who else is there for us)....like if I find money in my unwashed trouser pockets, I'll take it as your blessings...I searched for and found not a single penny. (Actually, I did many things, but am cutting the long process short...) So, finally, I went to the road and said to Krishna that if someone gives me lift, I'll think you've answered my prayer. But none gave me lift too. So, disappointed, I just started walking to college, giving up everything. After a few mins I had started to walk, my mind became quiet. And I kept on walking. But lo! Suddenly, a two-wheeler came and stopped nearby me. Though I know the person, I was not very close to him. We used to just share smiles whenever we see. He was working in the place where I usually eat. He stopped by me and asked me why are you walking alone? I said something, and he asked to get on his bike, saying that he would drop me at my college as it was on the way. And that moment I was really taken back. From the bottom of my hearts, I thanked Krishna. For, he has answered my prayer in the exact way I wished for! On the way, I prostrated many times before Krishna in my heart, and I thanked Him profusely. Thereby, Krishna very clearly established to me that He is always there for me! From that day onwards, I had never doubted His presence. I may even fight with Him, but by His Grace, I've never doubted Him. I'm feeling so grateful as I think of that incident and my Krishna. His Grace is relentless, and cannot be ever measured! Thank you bloggingupthedrainpipe for asking me to share the incident. Actually, I was not able to do it earlier. And am sorry for that. Even, as I recall the incident, now...my heart melts...This is the first time am sharing the incident to the world. Possible, will write as post in my blog too :-) Shree Rama Jayam!"
- Manivannan Sadasivam [http://manivannansmirror.blogspot.com/]
- "This was the first miracle I experienced with Krishna. It was 2004 – and it was when I “discovered” Krishna. I used to chant everyday and listen to devotional Krishna bhajans. The housing colony we lived in had a small library and one day, I saw a copy of Bhagavat Gita there. I borrowed it and took it home. I’d read a chapter everyday – after my chanting and prayers. I completely loved the book – and for some strange reason – that particular copy of it. The return date approached. I used to tell my mum that I dont feel like giving back this copy of the Gita and that I’d really want it with me all the time. Mum said we could buy another copy. A few days before the Gita was due to be returned to the library – I happened to be talking to the librarian and I got up to leave, I casually mentioned to her that I’ll be coming back in a couple of days and that I have the Gita to return. “But the Gita is has already been returned” she said. I said to her that couldnt be possible because I still had it at home with me. She checked my account and “confirmed” that my copy of Gita has been returned. I was stunned and speechless. My beloved Krishna let me have “that” copy of the Gita which I deeply loved and wanted. I went home, elated and grateful – thanking Krishna for his surprise present!"
- Ash
- "My bday comes around in May, and i was in Dubai. i was already badly missing my dear Parthasarathy in Chennai, and plus not many friends in UAE. Ever since i came to Abu Dhabi in April, my bday was reserved fr Him, though i didn’t even remember how He looked. My bday got off to a horrible start, but i managed to force my dad to drive frm Abu Dhabi to dxb, braving the Friday traffic at Sheikh Zayed even. All on the way, sitting in the backseat of my car, i kept wondering about Him. Days of anticipation culminating in a frenzy to reach before the evening aarti, i kept trying to talk to Him. Each time He cut me off. Everytime He does that, something happens: ither very good or very bad. i was hoping it was good. So, we reached, with my dad already having given up hopes of a parking, and perhaps a darshan. Surprise of Surprises! In Bur Dubai, on a Friday, in that crowded area, my dad found a place waiing for our car!! (My dear Parthasarathy had perhaps driven along with us
) And we went in, only to see that temple timings had been increased by an hour since my dad last visited the place. (All the making of a perfect birthday date
) And, we went in, and oh!!!!!! It was some spl Pooja that day, and He was surrounded by Prasad all over!! And must i say, He was dashingly wonderful. i was crying (and people staring), i cudn’t stop the tears, being in UAE meant missing the temple-missing Him, and finally He was there… And, He sent us off with handful of Prasad, which was almost like a whopping meal on its own! (Yeah, my treat…i can’t believe He did that
) It was the best birthday gift ever, coupled with what i received at the Parthasarathy temple in Chennai for my star bday."
- In Love With Krishna [http://mydearestkrishna.blogspot.com]
- On January 24 2011, Krishna did something for me that I will always be grateful for. My brother had a Math exam that morning and he needed to be at school by 7:15 AM. So I went to bed the previous night, worried he might not be able to wake up on time. That night, I dreamt that my brother didn't wake up on time, was late for school and so he missed his exam. That shocked me right out of my sleep and when I looked at the time, it was around 6:45 AM and my brother was in fact still asleep! Thanking Krishna profusely, I made my way to wake my brother up. Now I understand how our biological clocks work and how it can make us wake up at certain times. However, that is not guaranteed. Ultimately, everything happens according to the Lord's will and I am simply grateful that He woke me up, so my brother could reach school on time for his exam.
- "Recently I read some stories about dreams that reminded me of an incident of a few years ago when I was distributing books at a concert in California. The distribution was sweet during the pre-concert hours, and we decided to do the "blow-out," that is, waiting until the concert ended and then stopping people as they were rushing to their cars. Most people try to reach their cars and get out of the parking lot before the traffic jams, and the air is filled with extreme passion. On this day, as I saw the mass of youth coming out of the gates, I tried to apply the "sniper technique" in my distribution, where you choose one person in the crowd and focus on him or her. I prayed, "Krishna, please show me the one person who is looking for these books."Then I saw him from a distance: he was a young man. I prayed as he approached me. "Excuse me," I said. He looked at me, and his jaw dropped in surprise.
He said, "I dreamed about you!"
"What was your dream about?" I asked, equally surprised.
"Well, you were dressed as a monk" (I was wearing regular clothes while on book distribution) "and you told me to stop smoking and drinking."
Then I took off my hat and showed him my shaved head and said, "I am a monk, and now I am telling you … " His eyes opened wide. He took a book and gave a kind donation. After he walked away I was left wondering at the different wonderful ways Krishna has to reclaim His dear but fallen souls. I myself need to reconfirm my faith at every step, faith that Krishna is with me and very kindly helps me."
- By Phalguna Dasa. Taken from http://friendsofthebbt.org/node/313
- "HG Dvarkadhish Prabhu and HG Lilawati Mataji arrived Ujjain on Gita Jayanti day. We are much obliged for their wonderful association here in Ujjain. In one of his classes, HG Dvarkadhish Prabhu narrated an incident that recently happened in Bombay. This incident is a very influential example to see how mankind is finally reaping the benefits of all Srila Prabhupada's hard work. About a week before Gita Jayanti, one devotee in Bombay went out to distribute Srimad Bhagavad Gita. At one place, he knocked the door but no one replied. He did not give up and again knocked the door, still it was unanswered. With firm determination to distribute Bhagavad Gita, he again knocked with a much greater force. At this time a lady angrily opened the door and shouted, "What do you want? I am very busy with important work" and tried to close the door. But as she was closing the door this devotee put his foot between the door in such a way that she could not close it and he immediately put Bhagavad Gita in her hand. Just by touching Srimad Bhagavad Gita, this lady felt relaxed and calmed down. Then she enquired from the devotee about Bhagavad Gita and he explained to her the difference between the body and the soul according to chapter two. She then told the devotee that the "important work" she was busy , with was to commit suicide. She showed him the table, the fan and the rope hanging from the fan. It was only by the mercy of Sri Krsna and his devotee that she was saved from such a dangerous situation. Now she is a devotee and is associated with ISKCON temple in Bombay.All glories to Srila Prabhupada's book distribution. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
Your humble servant,
Radha Piyari dasi"
- Taken from https://groups.google.com/group/nectarofdevotion/browse_thread/thread/993ba6c64f450572?hl=en#
Please share some personal experiences, miracles, and testimonies, dear devotees. It will encourage the rest of us to grow stronger in our faith and trust more in our beautiful Krishna!
Blissful! Amazing!
ReplyDeleteThe episode narrated by Radha Priya dasi had me shivering.
hey!! hi..
ReplyDeleteactully m new 2 diz bloggin thng!! i wanna share sum small lil miracles dat hapened in my lyf!! can i post dem onto ur blog...if i can, can u tell me how??
Hi Meghana! Nice to hear from you again - it's been a while! How have you been? :)
ReplyDeleteYou can share your stories in the comments section, for us to read. Then soon I will create a new post with your story in it!
Thanks a lot! I appreciate that you want to share your story :)
okies!!! :D
ReplyDeletethis is the first time i'm sharing anything with the world...i was thinking to share every little thing which i think krishna is doing for me ;) actually there are lot of things he did for me but i can't think of any so suddenly so, i'm sharing a small one which happened very recently that is on 16th feb 2011... actually its just a small one. hope i wont dissapoint you people.. :D
its kinda funny and silly story :P i dont know how to start but here it is... untill 15th feb 2011 i prayed to krishna nd spoke (not actually spoke ) with him about evrything just in my heart. i dint utter a word or chant with my lips anytime ( i kept thngs goin inside my heart thats it) but on 15th i saw a post in your blog(as far as i remember) that said " we shuld speak with krishna as if he is really present with us..we shuldn't wish evrything in our heart and think he is god! he knows evrythng so, he'll read my heart" i dont know how far that is true but i kinda liked it and tried it on 16th feb..from morning i was doing all the speaking with krishna which i used to do in my heart since den!!
i have a best friend ( boy named azhar). i dint know when and how but i developed a small crush on him since a year i think but he doesn't know it. we speak almost evryday and there wasn't a day present we dint speak till 13th feb.. that was the last day i called him. i dont know about wether he likes me lyk more than a best friend or not but as he was busy and for sum unknown reasons i dint call him for 2 days (he too din't). i din't want to cal him first ( but i was desperatly waitin for him to call). on the third day (the first day when i started to speak with krishna directly) i shared about almost evry feeling with krishna on that day. and guess what on 16th ( when i was not at all expecting ) i got a call from him after we spoke for an hour he called me again to say goodnight :P and he called the other day also ( which means yesterday) i was on cloud 9. the next minute i only could think of lord krishna. somehow it seemed like the lord krishna made it to see me happy. i was really surprised and i was continously saying "wow!! krishna!! thanq u so much!! i love you..i really love you!!" i think i said it for some 100 times on that day..i know this all seems to be funny and really silly of me but i really think krishna did that for me!
i love him >:D<
jai sree krishna!!
i hope i din't make any nonsense from here!! :P
ReplyDeletehare krishna!!
Firstly, I just want to say that every experience is valuable and important, so don't worry about causing disappointment to anyone! Especially those experiences where Krishna is involved, those become transcendental experiences that will never fade, because Krishna and everything related to Krishna is absolute :)
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot for sharing your experience! I am glad that you were able to confide in Krishna and talk to Him. And I am glad that He reciprocated with your feelings and answered your prayers :) Your experience just shows that we can go to Krishna for any problems we may have, and He will always help. Keep steady in your faith, prayers and devotional service and everything else will follow! The lives of devotees are fulfilled because of the special relationship Krishna shares with His devotees! No relationship on earth can even compare with this beautiful relationship we share with Krishna.
Hare Krishna!
i totally believe in lord krishna and love him but i always have a little doubt which wanders every now and then in my heart!!
ReplyDeletesometimes i really think i don't deserve to be krishna's devotee..i always have a doubt that he wont accept me because actually i 'm born in rakshasa gana ( i think you know it) as in puranas every demon who has been killed by lord krishna are all born in that gana and people born under that always turn out to be bad one's and someday i'm afraid that i might turn into one of those evil minded( i dont want krishna to hate me) i always think that i' m one of them and lord krishna never accepts the one like that!! and i eat non-veg ( i want to quit but i can't because of my father) i'm thinking to quit it after one year that'z when i get far away from my home( further studies in us ;) ) and lord doesn't like the one who eats meat right!!!
is there a possibility that lord hates me ??
@DP: Another testimony in ur comments! :)))
ReplyDelete!Meghana: hi! i saw u on mine, and so nice to see ur comments on DP's website.
i remember u commented on my chem lab post.
Surely, this is not crazier???
We all actually do make nonsense. That's our nature.
But, He, and He alone, makes sense out of it and makes it sensible, f not for the world, then atleast for us.
Because, our "sense and sensibility" is nothing without our dear Krishna! :))
@ in love with krishna: i've read some of ur blogs and i loved them! i dint know that people blog about lord krishna!! thatz de nicest thing i've seen on net!! thnq u 4 sharing them!!
ReplyDelete@dp: wow!! thatz a lot of information you gave me...thanq u for that!! nd yes! i've been reading bagwadgita since my inter.. but i never did complete it..evrytym i sit with it i'l think that " diz tym i'm gonna complete this thing" but never actully did it.. i'll jus start it all over again..dont knw y i do lyk that!!
thanx a lot for helping me out! datz so stupid of me to think krishna will hate me.. that doubt kept on dancing in my head since i've known that i've born under that gana ( literally people born under it don't respect god..proud ones.. nd dey end up going against god)!! lord krishna actually came into my life when i was in inter dat was 3 yrs ago.. and i now believe that he'z gonna protect me from going to evil's side! he'll never ever leave me...i love him!!
jai sree krishna!!
Yes! Don't worry at all about Krishna not accepting you. He never rejected you in the first place! Just be sincere in your faith towards Him and He will guide you always. And the fact that you are a devotee of Krishna just proves that despite the common belief about the rakshasa gana, you did not go against Krishna. In fact, you have gone closer and closer towards Him. So well done for proving all those claims wrong! I generally don't even believe much in those things anyway lol. Don't worry about anything else - just worry about how to please Krishna ;)
ReplyDeleteAbout the Bhagavad Gita, I would suggest you try not to finish it all in one reading. That would be quite difficult! I would suggest reading Srila Prabhupada's version. It's a good translation and he even explains what the verses mean so you'd get a better understanding of things. I would recommend you set a daily number of verses to read each day and read little by little at your own pace. This will help the messages sink in better. Here is a good website I often use to read the BG online: www.asitis.com. Maybe you can start with reading 5 verses everyday. This way, you can apply in your life what you read daily. Having such daily devotional practices is very beneficial. The BG is a literally a treasure chest, and the desire to know Krishna in your heart is the key! As you read it, you will have plenty of realizations as well. Do keep me updated :)
Aww, I really like what you said about how Krishna can understand us so much! It really is true though - only He can make sense out of our nonsense!
ReplyDeletemeghana, i jus read all ur comments. Birth, caste and class make no sense to krishna.
ReplyDeleteHe just values our love.
I dunno abt wat u say, so i cant say right or wrong abt wat u call rakshasa gana.
But, prahlada was a rakshasa.
So was vibheeshana.
And they r among his greatest devotees.
What i am trying to say is, even women were considered lowly.
Yet, the gopis r his best devotees.
It dooesnt matter who u r percieved as by the shastras. All that matters is how he percieves u.
And i bet he percieves u as a devotee, and a wonderful one at that.
If v were to question whether v deserve him, we will all be lacking
it is his mercy and greatness to accept us.
Let us be his slave and forget everything else.
There is no distinction among slaves.
There is no qualification to be a slave except to belong wholly to the master.
Come, let us be surrendered unto the one we love.
Let us serve him and sing of him....
@ILWK: Brilliant thoughts!